Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Nothing is more summer than the smell of a grill.  I've been pushing, in the least pushiest way, to get one since the temps started rising.  H loves to cook and we watch more food TV than we probably should.  It made perfect sense to me!  He was hesitant, but I think once we started looking and pricing, the idea became more appealing.  He is a man, afterall.

One would assume that with H's slight hesitation, a modest grill would be what we were in the market for.  Our search began that way, but certainly ended much differently!  On Sunday, we spent an hour and a half in Home Depot and came home with this puppy.  Yikes.  It barely fits on the patio.

But - as I said - he's a man and he went big.

Our inaugural meal was last night.  Lamb with veggie and potato skewers.  I wish I had a recipe, but H never follows them.  Actually, since Alton Brown is his hero, he did use this maranade. 

It. Was. Amazing.

I cannot wait for more grilled dinners!  Tonight, I am going to be daring (and conquer my fear of blowing up the patio) and grill up a burger and some more veggies.  Perhaps an update tomorrow with my progress will be in order.

Happy Summer!

1 comment:

Lamb Shank Recipe said...

I only just recently discovered the world of blogs, and I have to say you're quickly becoming one of my favorites. Great post and look forward to seeing more from you.

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