Oh, snow.
Philly was hammered this weekend with about two feet of the white stuff. It was beautiful (to me), as I had not one place to go. I was scheduled to work at Sam's on Saturday, but the restaurant was closed. I made a pot roast and mashed potatoes, had some fresh veggies and Trader Joe's hummus. Watched movies, did a little cleaning, napped...it was great.
And here we are, on Tuesday, and we are bracing for another foot tonight into tomorrow. Preemptive actions are being taken around the office for a possible closing tomorrow and, I have to admit, I am as excited as a kid in grade school...listening to that fuzzy KYW1060 broadcast...waiting,
praying, WISHING, for that magic number to be called...Ready to be snowed in again...got BBQ pulled pork in the crock pot, some whole wheat rolls, leftover pizza, a book to finish and another to start, more veggies, the lovely convenience of modern technology and NetFlix on Demmand. A wonderful thing.