Sitting on the train tonight, next to two girls about my age, I couldn't help but listen in on their conversation. Not only were they speaking loudly, but all the words they said sounded like they could have come come right from my mouth. Transit checks, the train, pay day, New Year's Eve, work, shoes, interns, the list goes on. Typical twenty-something female Septa gabfest.
Only when the topic turned to weight loss did my ears really perk up. With it being the month known notoriously for new beginnings, the subject on every one's lips is what they are, or are not, putting in their mouths. Commercials boasting success with a super pill, gyms at their highest enrollments, even the Food Network runs episodes of "light" fare and reduced fat/calories/carbs menus. It is everywhere.
I suppose it's a good thing that society shoves the idea down your throat. One of my resolutions every year is to lose weight, it's almost an unspoken supposition. Isn't it every body's? You'll definitely find that it is a minority of people who would say "oh no, I am fine at the weight I am now" or who haven't made the necessary changes to make this year the year they drop that 20 pounds.
There is talk at work of a mock "Biggest Loser" contest which would pit me against my colleagues to see who could lose the biggest percentage of their body weight. Initially, I was skeptic of revealing my weight (a number that I don't even know, I don't own a scale!) to my co-workers. It wasn't the chicks I work with every day who intimidated me, no way. They are my girls, I'd be fairly comfortable with them knowing. It was the girls in finance, who are orchestrating this whole thing and mostly resemble stick figures and wouldn't weight 100 pounds soaking wet. I mean that in the nicest way possible, really.
Eventually, I pushed past these fears which I convinced myself this afternoon were silly and somewhat juvenile. This isn't about a number, or the finance stick figures or what anyone thinks. It is a challenge, motivation, participation in a group effort and a chance to maybe win some money! Accountability has always been my issue with any weight loss effort. I'd keep a food journal and "forget" to write certain things. I'd log my meals on and change the portion size, therefore changing the number of points.
Clearly, nothing has worked. Well, not nothing. I've had minimal success with the aforementioned Weight Watchers. Also, I've done really well on the Abs Diet, a plan developed by the editor of Men's Health. I honestly enjoy healthy food and I know how to eat well, I am educated, which is half the battle.
I am hoping that we really do the Biggest Loser contest at Richardson. I dare to say I am looking forward to it. I am also still doing research and keeping my ears open about Alli, the new FDA-approved weight loss drug. The things I've heard aren't sitting too well, so I am waiting to see if I run into anyone, real life, to tell me about it. The commercials and the websites are good info, but I want someone with experience also. In any event, I am starting again, starting over, and trying to adapt a healthy lifestyle and eating habits. Here goes nothing...
Tiny Tales
1 hour ago
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