Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Why I am switching nail salons...

**Disclaimer - This post is less-than-enjoyable to read.  It's sort of sad and a bit disturbing.  Read at your own risk and don't claim I didn't warn you.**

My twice-a-month manicure and not-nearly-as-often pedicure are two of my favorite ways to treat myself.  Tiny indulgences that are budgeted for and get me through some weeks.  I've been a regular at a salon that is literally right next to my building for about three years now.  (Wow, I cannot believe I've been working in the city for five years.  It doesn't seem that long.  I remember being so freaked out by the idea of it when I was interviewing at my company!  But, I digress...) 

Every other week, I pop in - usually around 2ish - for a quick (we're talking 20 minutes people) and simple manicure.  I don't always get the same person, but I am a familiar face.  No appointment needed, short and square, same(ish) color every time (a nude or pinkish tone) - no frills.

Two weeks ago, I stopped in - for a pedi this time.  I probably get about six pedicures a year, and mostly in the summer months.  They take a little longer (but not much) and are twice as relaxing.  A magazine and a working massage chair are all I need to forget, temporarily, that I am at work and truly relax.

So, back to two weeks ago, I think it was a Wednesday.  Sitting in the chair and enjoying OK! Magazine (I am obsessed with the Kardashians.  Admit it, you are too.), I was halfway through when an older woman came charging through the salon, heading quickly towards the bathroom and being shouted out the entire time by the employees.  Apparently, they did not want her using the bathroom as she wasn't a customer.  They chased after her and steered her out - everyone in the tiny salon was watching the whole thing.  I didn't realize until she was on her way out that her pants were soaked.  She had wet herself.

Sad.  I told you.

She didn't look too old, and she was mobile.  No walker, no cane.  She was dressed a bit odd, but who's to say?  She didn't look homeless either.  Apparently, she just had an accident.  Maybe she was sick.  Maybe she just literally could not hold it. 

The whole thing was over right after it began.  She fled the salon and wouldn't even look up, clearly embarrassed.  The woman in the pedicure chair next to me mentioned that it looked like she had purchased clothes from the consignment shop next door.  She remarked on how sad the situation was, how the salon should have let her use the restroom and how the woman would not even look at any of us.  I mean, how embarrassing. 

I started to get angry.  Why couldn't they let this woman use their restroom?  I do understand that, as a business in Center City, they need to be careful about wanderers coming in to use the facilities.  But, this was different.

A distinct smell permeated the space, it was unmistakable.  The employees and other patrons started exaggeratedly holding their noses and and spraying everything in sight.  Rolling their eyes and laughing - yes, laughing - they made sure that the smell was covered by some awful perfume, cleaning products, anything with a scent.

This made me even more angry.  If my feet weren't elevated and covered with soap, etc. I might have walked out.  Maybe I should have.  I couldn't believe the insensitivity.  And I don't mean to judge the employees or the other patrons - I really don't.  It just shocked me.

This shook me up as I paid for my service, I couldn't get the vision out of my head.  I couldn't stop thinking about this lady.  I proceeded down to the CVS and I saw her, sitting on a bench outside a bar.  She seemed content and she had changed into a new pair of pants.  I guess somewhere had let her use their facilities.

Needless to say, I won't be going back to that salon.  It just doesn't feel right.  I wanted to write them a letter, telling them they'd lost a patron over that whole ordeal.  But no, there's no need.  I'll just find another place, the prices are all the same around here anyways...

Am I being dramatic?  High and mighty?  I don't mean to be.  Change is good sometimes anyway.  And I hope that lady is doing ok...

Monday, June 28, 2010


("Hi and goodbye.")

I heard it through the blog-vine (via Lovely Little Things) that one of the quintessential chick flicks is being turned into a musical! 

With a great soundtrack like it has, I am sure it would be a great show!

Music for your Monday

The Classic Vinyl station on Sirius XM Online has got me reminiscing about my pre-teen years when all of my friends were into whatever was playing on Q102 or Eagle106 (remember?) and all I wanted to do was steal my Mom and Dad's cassettes and listen to the likes of The Stones, Billy Joel, Elton John, and The Eagles.  And don't even get me started on Rod.  He's a whole 'nother story.

Love me some Classic Rock...

For your listening pleasure...some Steely Dan?

This song is my Mom's ringback tone - so when you call her phone, this is what you'll hear...

Perhaps I was a bit beyond my years...

Friday, June 25, 2010

Definitely a grateful Friday!

Storms left a path of devastation all over our area last night.  They were quick, lasting only 15 minutes or so, but way powerful.  The trains out of the city shut down, so I had to find alternate transportation home - thank goodness for the Dish!

Thousands are without power.  I am SO grateful that we didn't lose ours and I was able to enjoy the comforts of light, TV and - most importantly - the central air last night. 

Here is some evidence of the craziness via my favorite news station's website.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Beautiful Release

In the late 90's, Sarah McLachlan was like my bible.  Listened to her religiously.  Used her lyrics as my prayers.  Attended Lilith Fair like a faithful follower.  She spoke to me.

Joey was my high school boyf.  I guess you could say he was my first love..although, I am a believer that every time you are 'in love', it's different - because it's with a different person.  And hell, I was a different person then.  The way I was in my relationship with Joey is vastly different than how I am with H.  I mean, we're talking a ten year difference here.  Jeez, I feel old.

Anyway, Sarah and I - we got through the break-up with Joey together.  We went to retreat together, we graduated high school together.  She was my girl.

Listening to Coffee House Live on Sirius XM Online (aka my new BFF) and Sarah is the artist this week.  Taking me right back to 1999.  What I'd give ...

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Nothing is more summer than the smell of a grill.  I've been pushing, in the least pushiest way, to get one since the temps started rising.  H loves to cook and we watch more food TV than we probably should.  It made perfect sense to me!  He was hesitant, but I think once we started looking and pricing, the idea became more appealing.  He is a man, afterall.

One would assume that with H's slight hesitation, a modest grill would be what we were in the market for.  Our search began that way, but certainly ended much differently!  On Sunday, we spent an hour and a half in Home Depot and came home with this puppy.  Yikes.  It barely fits on the patio.

But - as I said - he's a man and he went big.

Our inaugural meal was last night.  Lamb with veggie and potato skewers.  I wish I had a recipe, but H never follows them.  Actually, since Alton Brown is his hero, he did use this maranade. 

It. Was. Amazing.

I cannot wait for more grilled dinners!  Tonight, I am going to be daring (and conquer my fear of blowing up the patio) and grill up a burger and some more veggies.  Perhaps an update tomorrow with my progress will be in order.

Happy Summer!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day, Big Den.

Five years ago, you left us on this day.  Miss you more and more as time goes on. 

Hope you had a great Dad's Day, wherever you are!

{dig the 'fro and the Dennis the Menace tat!}
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