Wednesday, May 26, 2010

525,600 Minutes

How do you measure a year?

One year ago, I was work work working my Wednesday away, anticipating a date I had later that night with a guy who I'd met at a concert in '07 and ran into again at a wedding in May '09.

One year ago, my phone lit up with a text around 1 pm or so asking what kind of wine I liked to drink and what time I wanted to go to dinner. And was Italian ok?

One year ago, my trusty black cotton dress* was the outfit of choice because I felt most comfortable in it, relaxed.

One year ago, texting Jackie the entire time from my little apartment, I got ready and waiting for him to come pick me up.

One year ago, we sat across from each other at a cozy Italian BYO.

One year ago, I had no idea what to expect.

One year ago, I had no idea what I wanted.

One year ago, I had no idea what I needed.

One year ago, I had butterflies.

Today, I still do :)

* I am wearing the same dress today! When something works, I hang onto it ;)
{image via Le Love}

Monday, May 24, 2010

Here it is, the groove, slightly transformed...

So yes, it is Monday morning at 9 am - 9:07 to be exact, and I am already planning the weekend. What of it?
Friday at 5 pm - or earlier, if the office closes early as we usually do at the brink of holiday weekends (fingers crossed!) - is the Official Start. Of. Summer!
I could not be more excited!
Plans include:
-sunning myself poolside, at the pool in our complex (!)
-a Memorial Day morning 5K walk
-celebrating a special 1 year anniversary with H
-a visit to this Farmer's Market. I am in the mood to attempt to make corn salsa...we shall see how that goes
-two BBQ's on of them includes making recipes from this book!
-an extra day off on Tuesday!
Happy Summer!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

One Week!

Can't Hardly Wait!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

She said, He Said

This is the first I am hearing of Andrew Gottlieb's answer to the recent chick-book best seller, Elizabeth Gilbert's Eat Pray Love...I am admittedly intrigued. Tried getting into EPL but couldn't continue past Italy. Shocking, I know, that the chapter/country dedicated to eating was the most interesting to me. While Gilbert's writing is good and easy to ready, I found her kind of whiny.
It's a funny title, if nothing else!


Funny, I was just thinking about this last much I love to eat, how much I wish I could cook, how delighted I get when I actually throw something together that tastes halfway decent.

Then I saw Taza's post about food, her love of food, her love of bad food (me too!) and her new propensity for food blogs. She lists some faves and I will definitely be adding them to my reading list!

H works nights and so, most weeknights, I am left to my own devices in the kitchen. Sometimes, it's disasterous. Sometimes, it's McDonald's. And sometimes, it just works. A few weeks back I threw together a dish that I really enjoyed! I caramelized some onions and cooked sauteed them with some green peppers. At the same time, boiling whole wheat pasta. Then I added some red sauce, just a touch, to the veggies and some feta cheese. A little sour cream for its creaminess. I used some pre-packaged salmon as my protein and - presto! - a successful meal that was really good!

I took a picture of it and sent it to H. I have no idea why I do this. Maybe it's to prove that I can sometimes surprise myself in the kitchen. I take pictures of my food a lot. Evidence below.
Food Shot #1 - breakfast for dinner last night. Open face egg sandwich with pork roll and cheddar. Home fries with a bit of onion. Oh, and ketchup. Lots of it.

Food Shot #2 - the makings of a pizza I made for us as a late Saturday night snack a few weekends ago. Yes, lots of cheese. This was a Five Ingredient Fix recipe. Love that show.

Food Shot #3 - the concoction I described above, salmon and pasta with veggies.

What can I say, I guess I am an official foodie.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Keeping it Light...

Thanks, Snoop.
{photo props to Me Against Them}

Monday, May 17, 2010

Loving a person just the way they are, it's no small thing
It takes some time to see things through
Sometimes things change, sometimes we're waiting
We need grace either way

Hold on to me
I'll hold on to you
Let's find out the beauty of seeing things through

There's a lot of pain in reaching out and trying
It's a vulnerable place to be
Love and pride can't occupy the same spaces baby
Only one makes you free

Hold on to me
I'll hold on to you
Let's find out the beauty of seeing things through

If we go looking for offense
We're going to find it
If we go looking for real love
We're going to find it

~Sara Groves "Loving a Person"

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day, love you Mom xoxo

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