Sunday, June 07, 2009

Life is good.

Posting. writing and creating has eluded me lately. This isn't great news, as writing fulfils me and - when I click on that 'publish post' button down there - I feel alive.

Luckily, other things have been contributing to my aliveness (yes, it's a's my word) and I am embracing those.

A sample? Sure, why not...

-work. It's busy, stressful, scary, changing - but all exciting and I'm rolling with it.

-my shrinking waistline. I'm down about 16 pounds and loving how I feel.

-trying new recipes and foods.

-sleeping with the windows open.

-reading other people's blogs! Found so many good ones lately!

-Facebook. Obvi.


-a new friend :)

-getting some sun, but not too much.

-red wine.

-making plans for the summer.

-Shannah's wedding video

-long, long, long e-mails with Just.

-Real Housewives of New Jersey.

-Barenaked Ladies...listening to them a lot in my car. On my iPod, I am obsessed with these three songs and they are on repeat. Don't ask me why..."Another Kind of Green" (Mayer), "Mandolin Wind" (new fave Rod song, beautiful) and "Summer, Highland Falls" (a rare Billy Joel track).

Life is very, very good.
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