1.) I still tie my shoes using the bunny ear method.
2.) I wish I had brothers. Or even just one.
3.) Music is many things to me. It is an addiction, sometimes slightly compulsive. It is my sanity and my motivation, especially at work. It is my friend; it makes me cry, think and reflect.
4.) My first best friend and I were due to be born on the same day, St. Patty’s. She was late (Mar 23rd) and I was later (April 4th).
5.) Almost every day, I think of a new hobby I’d like to take up, meal I’d like to cook (and eat), place I’d like to travel or skill I’d like to acquire. I have a very long life to-do list.
6.) I will always prefer the driver seat to the passenger seat.
7.) Movies that most people would consider “good” often bore me. I fell asleep during “The
Passion of Christ”. Meanwhile, I’ll watch “Mrs. Doubtfire” whenever it’s on. Go figure.
8.) My middle name is Denise, after my Dad. My first name was supposed to be April, after the month I was born in. April Gormley? Good call, Mom.
9.) I have really high expectations, of myself and others. I’m working on managing them.
10.) I need noise when I sleep – I sleep with a huge box fan on every night. Sound machines just don’t cut it.
11.) Exercising isn’t something that I would say I love to do. But I try to do it anyway. ‘Try’ being the operative word there.
12.) In 2004, I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. It hasn’t been fun, but I’ve learned a lot about myself and my body, and it’s made me stronger.
13.) It took me about three weeks to write this entire list.
14.) I love to waitress. I secretly want to be in the hospitality industry, but I don’t think I would like the hours. I’ve worked at the same restaurant - Sam's - for 12 years and I don’t think I will ever leave.
15.) In my old journals, I have tons and tons of accounts of various trips, nights out, dances, etc. Anything I wanted to remember, I just started writing about it. I secretly think its part of the reason I remember so much, about everything.
16.) I feel very different from the person I was in college, but those four years were some of the best in my life.
17.) In one year, I saw all three of my top favorite artists (at the time) in concert – Rod Stewart, Kenny Chesney, and John Mayer. They are all still very high on my list, but I have tons of others too.
18.) Regrets are not something I have many of, but the ones I do have are deep and they all have to do with my Dad.
19.) I love Center City. I love coming into it every day, on the train and seeing all of the different people – rushing around and experiencing their days. I also love leaving it everyday and retiring to the suburbs.
20.) My Mom named Jenna and I after characters in Dynasty (or was it Dallas?).
21.) Any interest in or affection for any sport is from my Dad. Football and baseball, specifically.
22.) I don’t like to talk about religion or politics at work. There is always a fear of offending people and that’s no fun.
23.) My ultimate comfort food, again, is from my Dad. Two eggs made over easy. Pour ketchup all over them, I mean lots of ketchup. Then break the yolks and mix them with the ketchup. You are probably disgusted in reading this right now, but I swear to you – it is one of my favorite meals. Add some white toast and milk – perfection on a plate.
24.) Boston is one of my favorite places to travel. I almost moved there in 2005 and I still think about actually doing it.
25.) I have frequent, and sometimes very strong, cravings for the following things: bacon cheese fries, Puff, a long conversation with a good friend, wine, the movie The Wizard of Oz, my Mom's bed, a cold Stella from the Trophy, a trip to TJMaxx and Billy Joel. I usually indulge them.
26.) The beach is my happy place. I live for the sand in my toes and salty, sun-burned skin.
27.) My hands wrinkle at the slightest sign of moisture. In the shower, sure - everyone's hands get all wrinkly. Mine are extreme - if I am drinking a cold drink and the glass is sweating, forget it!
28.) I wouldn't say I am into fashion, but - over the past year or so - I've been paying more attention to the pieces I buy and have become more interested in different colors, styles, etc. All thanks to Justina :)
29.) I believe that everyone should live alone for one year of their life.
30.) I'm really into food.
31.) I start listening to Christmas music right around the beginning of November. Yes, I am one of those people.
32.) I love the name James - for a boy or a girl.
33.) I will often times find myself getting super emotional about how much I love my friends. It overwhelms me.
34.) It is annoying me that most of my 'things' are starting with "I". How self-centered am I?
35.) Vocabulary is super exciting to me.
36.) If my Dad were still around, I would have wanted to dance with him at my wedding to "Maybe I'm Amazed" by Paul McCartney and Wings.
37.) I have two dream jobs: a food critic for a magazine or the person who chooses the music for the MTV reality shows like The Real World.
38.) My nose bleeds when I am stressed out. Gross.
39.) I think it is pretty incredible to me that, at the end of the night at Sam's and we're all saying goodbye to each other, everyone hugs, kisses and there are lots of "I love you's" exchanged. And I really do love a lot of them.
40.) My Grandmom gives me all of her old jewelry and I love that.
41.) I'd love to drive cross country someday.
42.) My Mom dressed me up as Madonna for Halloween one year. I was like 7. That same year, Jenna was a Playboy bunny.
43.) I can still do cartwheels.
44.) My favorite number is 44.
45.) I love doing the crossword puzzle in People Magazine.
46.) I love Frank Sinatra, Steve Tyrell, Dean Martin, Bobby Darrin, and all of the other old stuff they play at Sam's.
47.) Mint chocolate chip ice cream has the power to instantly cheer me up.
48.) I am convinced that Jenna and I are fundamentally the same and fundamentally different. I am not even sure I know what I mean.
49.) The first concert I ever attended was Michael Jackson, when I was like three, with my Dad. I fell asleep on his shoulder.
50.) You will never find a fake tree in my apartment, house, condo, town home - wherever I live. Christmas isn't Christmas without the smell of the tree.
51.) I wish I never got tattoos. I want to start over.
52.) My major in college was basically watching movies and writing about them.
53.) My mornings are better because of the Preston and Steve show.
54.) Amazing Grace makes me cry. Every. Single. Time.
55.) My first job was answering the phones and the door at the BVM Rectory. I also helped the cook named Bernie to make and serve dinner for the priests.
56.) I scrutinize my e-mails, even the ones I write to my friends.
57.) I don't fantasize about the details of my wedding nearly as much as I fantasize about who I will marry. In fact, I think the only thing I ever decided on was number 36.
58.) Kids were always fun, I did the babysitting/nanny thing, and - sure, babies are cute. But when Jack was born, I fell in love. Charlie came along - more love. And now I can't wait to get to know Cole.
59.) My favorite magazine is Self.
60.) I cannot sleep with socks on. On the rare occasion that they are on when I fall asleep, they're off by the morning.
61.) I love to send and receive handwritten cards and letters.
62.) I should buy more fresh flowers.
63.) I miss living with five other girls.
64.) Tuna is my favorite sandwich.
65.) I hate wearing jeans.
66.) If I am not in bed (and asleep) by 10 pm, I get annoyed. Mostly at myself.
67.) My Mom, Jenna and I all wear the same shoe size.
68.) Not many things make me anxious, but two things that do are ordering lunch at the ChickFilA in Liberty Place and New York City.
69.) I really laugh at almost every episode of The Office. I mean, really laugh. I am watching right now and cracking up.
70.) I'd rather text than talk on the phone, most of the time. And I am a really fast texter.
71.) I don't drink coffee, but I kinda wish I did.
72.) I love my Acura, but I really want to own a pick up truck.
73.) Aries is my sign, and I read my horoscope pretty frequently. But I don't think I am true Aries.
74.) A trip to CVS will usually cost me at least 30 bucks.
75.) One of my favorite things to do is make a CD for someone. I love giving them as gifts.
76.) My lifetime goal is to write a book, but I get in my own way.
77.) I keep notes in my cell phone at all times, using the notepad function. In fact, many of these little facts were stored in there before they ended up on this blog.
78.) I've never broken a bone.
79.) I can't drive without my seatbelt on. It just doesn't feel right.
80.) In college, three of my roommates and I were held up at gunpoint outside of our house. It was one of the scariest things that's ever happened to me, but it made me more aware of my surroundings.
81.) I love America's Next Top Model, but I hate Tyra Banks.
82.) I love a good wedding.
83.) Writing my Dad's eulogy was both the easiest and hardest thing I've ever done.
84.) I've never met a rollercoaster I wouldn't go on.
85.) I hate the fact that I have some pretty bad road rage.
86.) Happiness=driving into Sea Isle City.
87.) I could spend an entire Saturday in thrift stores and consignment shops.
88.) I don't like onions unless they're cooked.
89.) I prefer being called "Kris".
90.) Shoveling snow is something I miss. It reminds me of living in Darby.
91.) Completely inappropriate humor is sometimes the best kind.
92.) I live for Saturday mornings.
93.) One of my indulgences is a manicure twice a month. I mostly do it because I cannot file my own nails.
94.) I am huge American Idol nerd. I often cry when watching it.
95.) I am 100% inspired by Racheal Ray.
96.) Peanut butter is only good in a PB&J sandwich on the beach. Otherwise, I'll pass.
97.) I check PostSecret.com every Sunday and fantasize about sending a secret in.
98.) Knowing any of the answers on Jeopardy! excites me.
99.) Visiting California last year was one of the best experiences of my life. So far.
100.) I always try to do my best.
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