Time to fill everyone in who i am. Who is everyone? the one, two, three people who read this? Well anyway, as I mentioned before, I started this blog to try and get all of my thoughts out, and then maybe I will have a better time managing them...along with my emotions, feelings, etc. All that good stuff. I used to journal all the time...write write write. At night, during class (high school and college), but then I just got tired to writing. I am hoping this will help... So here goes, a little description of me.
I am a 24 year old single girl, living in the suburbs of Philly. I have lived here all my life, and left only to attend college in DC (at The Catholic University of America). Then I graduated in 2003, and moved home with my Mom. I work in Center City at a small sales training company. I am a client services coordinator, but I only work on one account, and I do a lot of scheduling and project management stuff. I love this job. Before this company, I worked at large software company doing technical support, only for a few months, and before that (right after college) I worked at a telecommunications company, as a customer service rep. And now, finally, I feel like I fit in at this job. I like what I do and I am good at it. I am learning so much and it is very challenging.
Like I said, I live with my mom, and just recently my younger sister, Jenna, (age 21) moved back in with us. And here is where I get to explain my family. My Mom and Dad were not together when my dad passed away just this Father's day. He left for good when I was 15, but before that (and for the rest of his life) he was a drug addict. He continued to use drugs and move in and out of our lives through my high school years and college. So, in these years, we maintained a semi-normal relationship even as he lived in crack houses and shacks. He and my mom were never enemies, through all the years, they remained on a friendly level. And God, I know she misses him so much. My younger sister, who never was into college (tried community and didnt like it) and started using drugs (pot mostly) when she was very young, only got worse over these past few years, drug-wise. So, when my Dad died, it was like her rock bottom (she was, at this point, using crack, just as he was). She went into a 28 day rehab and came home about a month ago.
This is my living situation. My Mom who works herself to death to pay bills, my sister who does not have a job or anything really and is just focusing on staying clean, and me. I try to think I am really normal. I use that term with sincere caution. What I mean, is that I am not a basket case, or depressed, or any other label that people would like to neatly place across my forehead. I am a young professional, who is trying to deal with things as they come at me, as I always have. Thus the need (the want?) for the blog, a place to come, vent, type, curse, be free. I dont care if no one ever reads this. I only want it for myself.
I have great friends. GREAT friends. I have a very close-knit group of girls who were my roomates in college: Colleen, Colleen, Kerry, Courtney and Trish. and then me, Kristen. Say that three times fast, I know. Three of them live in the Philadelphia area and the other two live in Boston. Oh how I love Boston, and wanted to move there last year. That idea got away from me as many ideas seem do sometimes. Besides my roomies, I have a ton of other friends from CUA whom I am very close with. And then there's friends from home, from high school, from the neighborhood, from the bar. My best friend at home is Jackie. She's a crazy, curly-haired, honest woman. Her honesty is what draws me to her, and her to me. We are both so brutally honest, in weird and funny ways, and I dont think I could say some of the things I say to her in front of anyone else. I know that actually.
In addition to friends, I have a very special older cousin, Joe, who has been like a brother to me my entire life. I mention him because not only is he like a brother, he is a mentor, an advisor, a friend, and most importantly my family. He now has a family of his own, a wife, Meg, and 2 little boys Jack (2) and Charlie (1) and when I tell you that they are the most beautiful children you will not believe me until you see their pic. I will post it later. I am a part of Joe's family. They are so dear to me. All of these people are my home, my center.
When my Dad passed, I was overwhelmed by the influx of support. In his death, I learned more about the value of my life. It was amazing.
More about me....let me think....I love TV, the food network, Friends, Sex and the City, Seinfeld. One of my absolute favorite shows has just ended "Queer as Folk". God, I loved that show. Such great writing, and the relationships...I loved each and every episode. I love to read, I am currently obsessed with Jodi Picoult. I have read "My Sister's Keeper" and "The Pact" and I am currently into "Harvesting the Heart". I love her writing. I love to write myself, although this particular little information burst is a little long winded I know. I am tired and its Friday and I want to get it all out....
We have a cat, Puff. He is actually Jenna's cat, but my Mom loves him. He's a good little guy. Music? my tastes are across the board: Rod Stewart (my Mom and I share a love for him), the Dixie Chicks, Billy Joel, O.A.R., Indigo Girls, Frank Sinatra...to name a few. I love going to concerts, I should do it more. Now I am rambling.
Well I hope I have filled you in on most things and not bored anyone to tears. Apologies if I did. What to expect on my blog: updates on my life, friends and family, musings and reflections that I notice and care to share, poems (although I hate that word for some reason) that I've written in the past maybe...work vents, pics of my family and friends (and me!). Well here goes....